Lennox Theatre
October 21st
By Dolce Fisher.
Sol’s Way was presented by Fling Physical Theatre at Sydney’s Riverside Theatres, Parramatta in partnership with Western Sydney Dance Action. Fling Physical Theatre is a youth performance company that is based in New South Wales’ Bega Valley, directed by choreographers Don Asker and Jane Mortiss.
A team of multi-talented young individuals with skills in dance, acting and acrobatics came together to create an entertaining show. Sol’s Way followed a group of youths who seemed to be stuck in a time warp – “where dream and reality blur”. They traveled into some unusual and at times, random, places. One of these included a memorable beach scene which was fun and took jest at young people’s behavior at the beach.
Throughout the work the performers used a mass of props, including a giant chessboard and a large steel structure, showing their versatility. It was wheeled around the stage and its use in each scene changed constantly. It was very creative. The performers also changed character from one scene to another, dressing side stage. At first it seemed that the audience could see the performers by accident, but as the show progressed we realised that this was quite intentional and added to the effect of the show.
Sol’s Way is an imaginative and fun work. It is the type of show that would be perfect for a regional tour targeted at school performances. It is light hearted and displays a large array of artistic skills that can entertain a varied audience. Sol’s Way could be used as an effective tool to educate young students about the performance industry and to expose young minds to different artistic disciplines. Can someone please send funding Fling’s way?