Remember when all you needed your phone for was to call someone? There’s of course a lot of nostalgia in that, as now many of us seek out cell phones that do everything — and I mean everything.
From email, to social media, movie and music streaming, weather reports, banking, we expect a lot from our mobile devices. So why should we not expect a way to find the closest dance school to take class on said phones? Well, as Apple declared in 2009, “there’s an app for that.” How about an easy way to organize a playlist for your class, track your diet and fitness needs, or break down a student’s movement? There’s an app for all of that as well.
Locate all things dance:
We all desire certain things to satiate our dance needs: class, appropriate apparel and shoes, performances. Whether it’s in the city you call home or if you’re on the road, the app developed by Dance Channel TV helps you locate all those things. You can also access dance-related deals. It’s available for the iPhone and iPad.
Slow motion:
This app requires a financial investment, but Coach’s Eye offers some interesting tools for dance educators. It allows you to slow movement down and analyze it step for step, pinpointing where a student might be hitting his or her tricky spot. It’s also handy for fine-tuning and cleaning in rehearsals. Pro or VIP, you pick the plan that suits your pocket book.
Teachers, get your playlists on:
… with Spotify. It may be wise to shell out for the monthly subscription so you can play your music offline and an ad for toothpaste doesn’t pop up during a combination across the floor.
Connect, network, share: is the latest website (and now an app for your iPhone) that is a social network for dancers. It allows you to follow other dancers, choreographers and companies, join groups, start discussion threads, and see what’s going on in your very own dancer feed. In the unique “Learn” section, you can view and share choreography and tips for class lessons. Plus, is free to join!
Mobile yoga and meditation:
Vinyasa for 20 minutes or get into a hour-long Anusara practice, Pocket Yoga offers a variety of techniques, durations and difficulty. There’s also a sort of pose encyclopedia and — bonus — you don’t need WiFi to find your sun salutation rhythm. It’s available for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android and Windows 8.
*Want to feel more burn? Then try Nike Training Club for Android and Apple devices.
Education for your tummy:
Fooducate is a portable way to track your calories and workouts, educate yourself about what’s in your food, and discover healthy recipes. It also lets you interact with other app users through chats and forums. Compatible with the iPad and iPhone.
Honorable Mentions:
Pitch perfect:
The Ballet Class app by helps you find the best pitch, tempo and number of bars for your classical classroom music. It’s free and compatible with the iPhone, iPad and Android.
Learn salsa in “just a few steps”:
Pick up sultry salsa moves and find beats to match them in no time flat, so says the app Pocket Salsa. Get it on iPhone, iPad or Android for less than $5.
Learn how the body works:
Human Anatomy Atlas app, developed by Visible Body, is a 3D reference guide for the human form. This app will set you back about $25, and there’s a number of slick add-ons that will up your bill. It’s available for the iPhone, iPad and Android.
By Stephanie Wolf of Dance Informa.