Dancers want to dance. Dancers really want to dance in a studio, and on a stage. Right now, most of us can’t do that. Confined at home, the weeks turn into months, and when we’ll be able to return to the studio remains a question. But dancers are resilient, determined and used to overcoming odds. In this period of our training or career, these things will get us through. We don’t know what the future looks like, but we do know we’ll be ready for it.

These tips can help you stay focused, stay strong and think creatively about the path forward.
Focus on what you can do, just as if you were in the studio. That means dressing to dance – comfortable, baggy sweatpants are great for the couch but bad for class, even at home. Master ballet teacher of over 35 years Mme Peff Modelski says, “Dressing immaculately to present yourself as a professional who is credible is a sign of maturity, self-confidence, and respect for your audience and students.”
If you’re taking a ballet class over Zoom, wear ballet shoes. A jazz class? Wear jazz shoes. Sometimes the simple action of pulling on a cute leo is all the inspiration we need to focus on dancing at home! Só Dança’s new Sara Mearns Collection has tons of great spring leotards, like this gorgeous tank leotard with floral pattern. And if budget is an issue, the Last Chance! collection is stocked with gems.

Photo by Nylda Beatriz Photography.
This time also provides opportunity to dig deeper into cross-training. There are so many options online from dancers sharing what they do at home to support their dancing. Whether you gravitate toward Pilates-based workouts, dance cardio, circuit training or simple running, this spring and summer is an ideal time to gain strength in new ways.
If you’ve never checked out Só Dança’s Fitness section, take a look! There are dancer-inspired gear that supports your other activities, so you’ll feel great when you hit that (home) gym or lace up those running shoes. Right now, there are a bunch of super fun leggings and other apparel on sale, like these yoga leggings with mesh.

Finally, use some of the freer time you have now (no commutes to the studio!) to learn some history. Reading biographies of your favorite dancers can give you insight about process and habits, and watching videos can be very helpful to put the proper images in your head.
And if you need some cozy sweats to wear while you sit and study dance…guess what? Só Dança has you covered. These Sweatpants with Thick Elastic Waistband with Drawstring from the Sara Mearns Collection are so flattering and comfy!
This is a challenging time for us all, but also one of great potential. Let’s use what we can to work smart!
By Emily Sarkissian of Dance Informa.