Dance Studio Owner

42nd Street Tours: Studio owners chat the benefits of a tour

Tours at Disney World.

From the earliest years of doing creative movement to taking the leap into dancing competitively, there is a spirit of enrichment involved. Dance teachers and studio owners alike are entrusted to mold and enrich each student who comes through their studio.

Although the end goal is to build and foster a love for the art form, there is still room left for growth that stems outside of the traditional studio setting. This is where 42nd Street Tours bridges that gap. By giving dance studios top of the line tours in popular locations including but not limited to New York City, Disney World, Disneyland and Nashville, studio owners are afforded the chance to expose their dancers to the professional dance world through performances and specialized workshops.

Dance Informa speaks with Susan Mendogni, owner of Fancy Feet Dance Studio, and Rosalynn Miller, owner of Synergy Performing Arts Academy, about their initial planning process with 42nd Street Tours.

“I found out about 42nd Street Tours at an event that I attended,” Miller recalls. “I visited their booth, met the team, and we got a discussion rolling. We corresponded through emails and phone calls to create an itemized itinerary. They listed our wants and what we didn’t want, which was a plus.”

New York skyline.

“The planning process with 42nd Street Tours and Emilee Anderson was like setting the stage for an epic adventure!” says Mendogni. “Emilee worked her magic to make sure this wasn’t just any cookie-cutter trip. Throughout the entire planning process, 42nd Street Tours was incredibly responsive. The parents had their own portal to make payments, so I was not part of that process, which was great!”

Although the planning process is just the beginning of a marathon to fun experiences, once the trip becomes a reality, that is when it is truly time to enjoy the memories that will come with a well thought out plan. One of the common aspects that highlights any studio’s experience with 42nd Street Tours is the ease from the pressures that owners would face had they planned all the aspects of such a wonderful adventure without assistance.

Mendogni says, “42nd Street Tours made the entire experience easy and memorable for our studio through their thoughtful planning, attention to detail and personalized support. Starting with the initial Zoom meeting, Emilee made sure all the parents were informed and comfortable with the process by explaining everything clearly and answering all questions. Her calm and organized approach gave everyone peace of mind, making what could have been a stressful experience feel seamless.”

“The first thing that stood out to me was how easy and convenient the process was,” Miller adds. “They handle everything from their customized website where families could log in and get answers to providing an on-site tour guide assigned to us along with a charter bus. The tour guide went everywhere with us for our tour. He sat and ate with us and went to the theatre with us. It was nice to have someone local that knew the ins and outs of New York.”

Just as studio owners want students to take away and learn from experiences during workshops or competitions, the same can be said for each 42nd Street Tour. The goal is for students to come back refreshed with a new perspective of how to build upon their craft as young performers. Miller and Mendogni share similar outcomes of how the students in attendance felt during and after their experience.

Miller says, “Everyone loved and raved about it. It tied into what we were doing at the studio. We had a competition piece from & Juliet, and we got to see the show in New York. During our tour, our students took a master class with the choreographer of & Juliet, so she taught our students original choreography from the show. This was a huge win for us because it was catered specifically to us.”

In that same spirit of having an experience catered to her students, Mendogni explains, “Disney always provides an excellent experience for the children. The workshop was done on a professional stage with professional lighting and sound. The students got a feel of what it would be like to be a cast member at Disney. The kids walked away feeling that they had an experience of a lifetime, but also with more confidence.”

Disney World.

There are benefits to studios venturing outside of their comfort zones to build and strengthen bonds as a team. It is even better when there are affordable yet accommodating means that are catered individually to specific preferences of those wanting to participate. 42nd Street Tours has fostered lasting relationships with dance studios and studio owners across the country by providing top of the line service and care. This service and care have proven to leave a lasting impression not only on the students involved but parents and staff as well, opening the doors for more development and opportunities beyond a single studio setting. With these factors in mind, it’s no surprise how the studio culture can be changed for the better.

“The tour gave our dancers, parents and staff a unique chance to bond outside of the studio,” says Mendogni. “Traveling together, performing in new environments and sharing memorable experiences brought us closer as a team. The bus rides, shared meals and late-night hotel hangouts further strengthened our bond as well.”

“What was important is that we got money’s worth with an educational but leisurely experience,” Miller adds. “We were able to venture out of Pittsburgh, and it exposed our dancers to theater-based works. It showed our dancers that you can’t snub singing and acting, but to embrace the opportunity to be a triple threat. For them to hear from a principal dancer, ‘I just needed to carry a tune,’ it showed that they can do this, too. We will be participating in a tour again.”

For more information on 42nd Street Tours or to book a tour for your studio, visit

By Monique Jackson of Dance Informa.

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