If you are a dancer, chances are you feel passionate about your work. We eat, breath and sleep our passion; we know...
Next up in our series, Casting in the age of the cloud, is about being proactive. When I was young, I liked...
Take a dance class on Broadway during your lunch break, try a new style, follow an international teacher, soak up different approaches...
A superb pair of pointe shoes can help you dance your best. When you find the perfect pair, it feels magical. So,...
Jesse Obremski, a Japanese-American dance artist and choreographer based in New York City, is driven by the “why,” by community, and the...
Have you ever packed for a trip, thought you were all set, and then remembered a few less obvious items to add?...
Marilyn Monroe famously said, “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.” That statement definitely applies to pointe...
At a certain point in their career, many dancers get an agent — to help them book work, to advocate for them...
Ballet summer intensives are a fantastic experience. There is nothing better than getting an acceptance letter from your dream school. You get...
Next up in our series, Casting in the age of the cloud, is about reading and following directions when submitting online material....
Every ballet dancer wants flawless pointe work. Great pointe technique can get you noticed and make you stand out at a summer...
Unions are having a moment, as they say, in the United States. In the arts, that union activity includes the SAG-AFTRA and...
Have you ever wanted to get a glimpse into The Royal Ballet School and experience world-class training at its finest? Well, now...
Ballet has long influenced fashion outside of the dance world. The classic “ballet flat” has been a staple footwear style for decades, and the...
Dance Informa continues the three-part series, How to navigate your European audition tour, where we hear from three American dancers who are...
Toe pad or not toe pad, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the numerous blisters and...
Whistle has announced the launch of Disrupting Harm In Dance, a free online toolkit designed to support dancers and dance institutions in addressing sexism,...
Pointe is a significant milestone in the life of any ballet dancer, marking their accomplishment in training. The typical image that comes...