By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD of The Centre for Dance Nutrition. When the holidays are over and we are...
By Emily C. Harrison, MS, RD, LD of Centre for Dance Nutrition. Choosing the right energy foods doesn’t have to be...
By Leigh Schanfein of Dance Informa. History and science museums are full of them. Graveyards and memorial grounds are packed with them....
By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD of Trying to reduce your consumption of gluten and/or diary? Here are some great, healthy...
Ankle sprains are such a common dance injury. Let’s look at what a strain is, how we can prevent a strain and...
By Laura Di Orio. You may have seen some dancers with a large, cylindrical device poking out of their dance bag, or...
By Laura Di Orio. Even though dancers can spend weeks, even months, rehearsing before a performance, sometimes the stage, lights and audience...
How real life ballerinas return to a life of leotards and tights after having children. By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD....
By Leigh Schanfein. Dance is a full body activity. We use our lower limbs, upper limbs, torso, head, brains, lungs, heart, muscles,...
By Laura Di Orio. They say taking class is like brushing your teeth. So that must mean that stretching or warming up...
By Leigh Schanfein. Nutrition We often think of using food as fuel: ingest it, burn it, use it for energy. However, food...
By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD. The Centre for Dance Nutrition. Being nervous is a natural part of day-to-day life...
By Stephanie Wolf. The blockbuster hit Black Swan had people gasping, “Is the ballet world really that harsh and horrific?” While some...
By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD. Dancers tend to be cautious about fat in their diets. This is completely understandable...
Classes provide rich experience for participants By Chelsea Thomas. Renowned year-round contemporary dance company Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, now in its 35th...
By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD. Want better jump height, more endurance, improved brain function and better fat burning? Then...
By Leah Gerstenlauer. Dance is a powerful drug. At best, it inspires adventurous bravery and euphoria, propelling artists to achieve incredible physical...
By Emily Yewell Volin. Technique classes and rehearsals are a dancer’s job and a common misconception is that this training schedule provides...
By Rain Francis. Do you stretch extensively before class? Do you often sit in a stretch for a few minutes or more?...
By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD Dance Informa is celebrating heart health this Valentine’s Day by highlighting five red foods...
By Stephanie Wolf. Ambitious, self-motivated, earnest work ethic – these are all attributes of a successful ballet dancer. These are also adjectives...
By Christine Dion of Mode Dion. Winter months keep your skin working overtime, from indoor heaters blasting out dry air and irritants...