The documentary, CRUTCH, chronicles the gravity defying life of Bill Shannon, an internationally-renowned artist, breakdancer and skate punk — on crutches. CRUTCH makes its world premiere at...
Choreographer Miro Magloire has announced that the 13-minute women’s quartet from his new abstract ballet, Nocturne, which premiered online on October 23, is available...
The NY Dance and Performance Awards, The Bessies, announced that it will present a virtual event this year to honor the 2019-20...
The constant hustle of professional dance life can make it surprisingly easy to forget what dance really means to us. Competitiveness, professional...
Envisioning a rich, thriving creative arts community in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains, arts professionals Phil Reynolds and Heather Hartley announce the...
For those in the street dance community, hearing the name Juste Debout sparks not just a twinkle of recognition but an added...
On August 4, a devastating explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, killed at least 200 people, injured thousands and left about 300,000 people homeless....
Boston Ballet Principal Lia Cirio is honest about the difficulty of being a dancer in COVID times; the mental and physical toll...
What is dance? “To move to music.” That simple phrase lets us think of dance in many ways. We experience so many...
Here’s an upside to the dance world finding its footing in the new normal: we’re all learning the steps together. While I’ve...
World of Dance started off its fourth season off with a bang as some of the best soloists and groups came from all...
Fashion can make you feel confident. That’s not to say you’ve got to be wearing top designers and be decked out head...
When you look back at how you began to gain interest in a particular activity, there is usually one thing that especially...
Meet Petra Gucunski, founder and director of Continuum Dance Co., a company dedicated to bringing the joy of dance to the corporate...
“It’s a life, it’s a style, it’s a need, it’s burlesque.” It was 10 years ago when these words were sung on...
San Francisco Ballet announces the premiere of Dance of Dreams, a new dance film directed by Benjamin Millepied, featuring San Francisco Ballet dancers...
“Well, it’s been a rollercoaster!” says American Ballet Theatre (ABT) Soloist Calvin Royal III when asked what his artistic life has been...
It’s something that seems to hit many dance students when graduation is in sight: “Now what?” How can one leverage tools, skills...
Bat-Sheva Guez’s short film, In This Life, will be released for free on TV and online on WNET ALL ARTS beginning on August 5. ...
In anticipation of reopening its doors and resuming mainstage performances, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts has announced the...
DANCE NOW celebrates its 25th anniversary with the DANCE NOW STORY, a reimagined festival composed of a series of online events featuring more...
Have you ever wondered how a celebrity can go from actor to dancer in a manner of months for a film role...