Citizens Bank Opera House, Boston, MA.December 18th, 2022, 1:30 PM Holiday traditions: bright lights downtown, going to get a Christmas tree with...
We all have a favorite food, a favorite hoodie, a favorite TV show, a favorite song. We find comfort in these favorite...
Citizens Bank Boston Opera House, Boston, MA.November 28, 2021. As live performances have returned to theaters this year, many questions have lingered...
October 28-November 7, 2021.Available through BB at Home. For not the first time since March 2020, I logged on to watch a...
Boston Opera House, Boston, Massachusetts. November 29, 2018. The Nutcracker is a tale with a long tradition of telling, far and wide....
Boston Opera House, Boston, Massachusetts. Friday, November 25. Have you ever considered attending a certain dance performance, but then thought “Meh, I’ve...