Circle in the Square, New York, NY. April 6, 2019. Amidst Broadway’s jukebox shows, Disney productions and movies-turned-musicals, another trend of late...
Everyone’s talking about Warren Carlyle’s latest project — the revival Broadway production of Kiss Me, Kate at Roundabout Theatre Company. Carlyle is...
Most dancers are fortunate enough to be cast in one Broadway show. Tyler Hanes has been in nine. And the list of...
The tap-centric, throwback to the early 30s, witty Broadway revival, Dames at Sea, opened to an energetic crowd on October 22. Centered...
The classic musical, Fiddler on the Roof, is making its way back to the Broadway stage this year. The show, which had...
A reflection on the classic Broadway choreography of yesteryear and the musical theatre scene today by a Broadway fan. By Mary Callahan...
By Deborah Searle. Roger O. Hirson and Stephen Schwartz’s PIPPIN is back on Broadway for the first time since it first thrilled...