By Stephanie Wolf. Eight years after the unfortunate collapse of the Dance Theatre of Harlem, the world-renowned institution is ready to re-launch...
So You Think You Can Dance is back, kicking off its ninth season with auditions beginning Thursday, January 5 at the historic...
By Rebecca Martin “With over 20 years of experience behind me I have seen the evolution of dance through the 90’s and...
By Laura Di Orio Auditions. They’re like swallowing your vitamins. All they take is a little practice and some mental reassurance, and...
Peridance Contemporary Dance Company, formerly known as the Peridance Ensemble, was established in 1984 by Peridance Capezio Center’s Founder and Artistic Director...
By Paul Vander Straaten I am the proud father of two beautiful little boys. Watching them grow really is a joy and...
By Emily Yewell Volin Dance class environments are as diverse as the spectrum of dance genres. Many instructors adhere to a strict...
Dancing their way home. In an unprecedented double couple elimination So You Think You Can Dance judges sent four contestants home in...
By Kristy Johnson. At Dance Informa HQ we’re going to tackle your makeup mishaps head on, with a little help from professional...
Making the Most of Summer Dance Opportunities. By Laura Di Orio. Summer is fast approaching. While for some that means bathing suits...
By Emily Yewell Volin You may have heard about First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’sMove! Initiative: America’s Move to Raise a Healthier Generation...
By Alex Little & Sari Anna Thomas At Feedback, you’ll find musicians against the studio mirrors, painters to your right, a photographer...
By Emily Yewell Volin. You know it when you see it. Some call it star power, others say it’s an innate quality...
By Jessica Innes. It is said “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” and with...
By Deborah Searle. Tap Extraordinaire Jared Grimes is a performer with heart. I recently met Jared at a New York dance competition...
The PULSE on Tour is a powerful weekend dance event featuring the most renowned instructors and choreographers of our day. The PULSE...
Joyce Theater, New York April 17 2011 By Deborah Searle As I took my seat for DanceBrazil, in New York’s renowned Joyce...
By Deborah Searle Los Angeles draws talent from across the globe. The lights of Hollywood seem to have an irresistible pull for...
So You Think You Can Dance will be back on our television screens this Summer for it’s eighth season! With auditions held...
Dance Informa was at the Atlanta auditions for So You Think You Can Dance Season 8! Although it was bright and early on...
By Emily Yewell Volin. It’s job hunting time and you’re ready. You’ve spent countless hours training with the best teachers you can...