Picture this (and for some of you readers, it might actually seem like a scene from the movie of your life): you’re...
As studio owners, we are expert multi-taskers, adept at juggling 50,000 balls in the air at once! We’re used to memorizing everything...
Our teachers are the people who guide us, correct us, inspire us, mentor us, help us and, above all, educate us. Dance...
Connie Bellingshausen has taught dance since 1972, giving her over 40 years of experience in creating and executing lesson plans. While she...
By Angela D’Valda Sirico of DanceTeacherWeb.com. All businesses have customers. Many have staff and business associates that you will have to work...
By Rain Francis of Dance Informa. 1. “I’m tired. (Or “I’m hungry”). Dance can be hard work, we can all agree on that....
By Paul Henderson. If you find yourself in this situation, there are some things you need to know. There are things you...
By Paul Henderson. I must admit, traveling through Europe has been an eye-opening experience. You see, my wife, Tiffany and I are...
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin. By Paul Henderson. Your end of the season recital is...
By Steve Sirico of DanceTeacherWeb.com and Dance Teacher Web LIVE Conference & Expo. Teaching over the long haul can be a drain, especially if you...
By Paul Henderson. It’s April and you know what that means. It’s the time of year that jealousy and envy peak at...
By Michele Wiles, Co-Founder, Artistic Director and Principal Dancer of Ballet Next. For hundreds of dancers, ballet lovers and ballet students, David Howard...
By Paul Henderson. A little while ago I was the front seat passenger in a car driving along the highway on my...
“I think that to dance is to know oneself inside and out.” — Anabella Lenzu, Unveiling Motion and Emotion By Leah Gerstenlauer. More...
By Leah Gerstenlauer. How does where an artist is affect what he creates? While location isn’t everything to dance impresario Stuart Loungway,...
By Laura Di Orio. Ashley Carter probably chose the name DoubleTake for a reason. At first glance, it’s another dance company. Looking...
By Kathleen Wessel. After more than three decades with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, acclaimed dancer Renee Robinson will take her final...
By Tara Sheena. In many ways, Cris Judd appears as a modern-day Renaissance Man. As a producer, choreographer, songwriter, musician, actor and...
Dance Informa magazine is giving away cash to a lucky dancer and his or her studio. Imagine what you could do with...
How much do you know about George Balanchine, one of the 20th century’s most famous choreographers? By Rain Francis. 1. George Balanchine...
By Christine Dion of Mode Dion It’s Recital Prep time! Are you ready? Preparation is the key to a confident and polished...
By Emily Cook Harrison MS, RD, LD. The Glycemic Index is a tool that gives a numerical value to a specific amount...