It’s the start of a new year, and always a time to set some goals and think ahead. And, as a busy...
Só Dança, Capezio, Bloch, Eurotard, Wear Moi, Sugar and Bruno, Suffolk, Gaynor Minden, Barre Trash, Energetiks. Besides being some of the country’s...
Princesses Ballet, run by 501(c)3) non-profit organization City Gospel Mission in Cincinnati, is changing lives. The program offers free ballet lessons to...
Daniel Ulbricht is a principal dancer with New York City Ballet, an artistic advisor for Manhattan Youth Ballet, and the co-founding director...
Magic is in the air as the weather is warm and school is out. For dancers and dance teachers planning their July...
A new short dance film is preparing to drop later this year, and it’s unlike anything you have ever seen. Sound Language,...
Só Dança, the dancewear and dance shoe company that’s been supplying dancers worldwide with quality attire for over 20 years, recently partnered...
Só Dança, a dance shoe and dancewear company that has been leading the industry for over 20 years, treats its customers like...