As part of its Fall 2024 Studio Series, the Martha Graham Dance Company will present a preview of Lloyd Knight’s solo dance work, The Drama. The...
Christopher Wheeldon, Henning Rübsam, Gianna Reisen, Briana Reed, Mara Galeazzi, Buglisi Dance Theatre and Joshua Beamish will lead the debut season of vildwerk., choreographing ballets about...
On Wednesday, September 11, at 8:05am ET, Buglisi Dance Theatre, in partnership with Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, will present the...
The world-renowned Martha Graham Dance Company has begun the second season of GRAHAM100, a three-season 100th anniversary celebration of Martha Graham and her Company’s legacy. Curated under...
The NY Dance and Performance Awards, The Bessies, New York City’s premier dance awards honoring outstanding creative work in the field, has...
The world-renowned Martha Graham Dance Company’s 95th season culminates in a three-day virtual festival featuring livestreams of Martha Graham classics, the company premiere of Elisa...
It’s a common piece of advice for dancers: yes, the draw of stage lights can feel irresistible, but be sure to cultivate...
Two of Los Angeles’ foremost cultural organizations — the Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing Arts and the Wallis Annenberg Center...
On December 10, 10 international ballet stars will make the world their stage and join forces to launch a first-of-its kind virtual...
Choreographer Molissa Fenley’s celebrated 1988 solo work, State of Darkness, finds new life this fall, performed by a new generation of New York’s...
“Well, it’s been a rollercoaster!” says American Ballet Theatre (ABT) Soloist Calvin Royal III when asked what his artistic life has been...
While the country’s theaters are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be a refreshing return to the stage with the...
One of my favorites things in the whole world is a great photography book. I remember going in to Borders or Barnes...
“To me, the body says what words cannot. I believe that dance was the first art.” — Martha Graham As the founder...