Aspiring ballet dancers in America often set their sights on pursuing a career in New York City, a place where renowned companies...
Tracking down choreographer Joshua Beamish is like chasing a butterfly in a windstorm. One midsummer evening, he’s at the Joyce Theater for...
If you’re a dancer, then you know that it takes a lot of discipline, sacrifice and time to devote yourself to the...
Carla Körbes and James Fayette on Cultivating Creative Communities. What do the Château de Versailles, Memphis-native street dance sensation Lil Buck, and...
“Being yourself… It’s not an easy thing to do.” Jenifer Ringer would know. Having spent 24 years as a member of one...
Do you remember your first pointe shoe fitting and your first pointe class? Although it was uncomfortable and unconventional, it was so...
The 2015 Tony Awards Ceremony on June 7 will celebrate the Great White Way’s last year of unprecedented success. According to statistics from...
For as long as the camera has existed, photographers have been drawn to dancers. Like a moth to the flame, they are...
In 2013, New York City Ballet (NYCB) principal Ashley Bouder traveled to Cleveland to teach a series of Balanchine technique master classes...
When filmmaker and cinematographer Jody Lee Lipes left the premiere of choreographer Justin Peck’s first ballet on the New York City Ballet...
Marietta Performing Arts Center, Marietta, GA Saturday, February 21, 2015 By Chelsea Thomas of Dance Informa. On a recent cold and rainy evening,...
Rialto Center for the Arts, Atlanta January 27, 2015 By Deborah Searle of Dance Informa. Restless Creature is a show of four pas de...
Miller Theatre, Columbia University, NYC January 17, 2015 By Leigh Schanfein of Dance Informa. On a cold winter night in the beautiful...
By Stephanie Wolf of Dance Informa. Los Angeles has been a commercial dance hotbed for decades. But, over the past 10 years,...
By Laura Di Orio of Dance Informa. Performing The Nutcracker becomes just another of the many yearly traditions that dancers may look...
By Laura Di Orio of Dance Informa. Almost 60 years ago this November, Arthur Mitchell became the first African American dancer to join...
New York City Ballet principal dancer Tiler Peck stars as young Marie in the Kennedy Center’s world premiere musical Little Dancer. Inspired...
By Chelsea Thomas of Dance Informa. As July arrives at our doorstep and the accompanying heat and humidity rolls in for much...
By Mary Callahan of Dance Informa. Most Americans celebrate the 4th of July with hot dogs, apple pie and fireworks… But really,...
By Laura Di Orio of Dance Informa. What happens when you bring together ballet stars of New York City Ballet, American Ballet...
Stories from the Night Before What happens when you bring together some of the best dance artists from the worlds of ballet,...